Today, we are going to take you on an adventure. We are going to tell you the story of one of our rockstar students Jonathan. What made him so special? Perseverance. Never giving up.
Why we like Jonathan so much for our case study is he’s not unlike most of our clients. What separated him and allowed him to excel was he ACTUALLY took our advice and pushed through even when times got difficult. His story highlights the fact that everyone knows what they have to do, but nobody wants to do it. That’s how Jonathan made more than most make in a year during a 2 month period in the middle of a pandemic.
In an interview with Jonathon, (which you can watch above) we asked him to detail his story to us to try and figure out what made his strategies so effective.
Everyone can get in ruts and the same was true for Jonathan. When he first joined G$D he had been involved in another course that Rahul and the team at custom creatives weren’t a fan of. See, Jonathan had a big leg up, he had a show called Boston Eats, that detailed local restaurants. As marketers we saw the HUGE value in this. That’s where the first major change came in. We had Jonathon no longer provide restaurants a spot on his show for free, but charged them instead.
This reminded Jonathan of a great Gary Vee quote: “Once you host the party, you win”
From that point, the real strategy began. If you know anything about the G$D group you know it’s about “Getting Shit Done”. No excuses, just hard work. Most people say they’re on board but when the time comes, they can’t do it. Jonathan was different in this regard. In his own words “Rahul and Cody lit the fire under my ass” and because of that Jonathan was able to Get. Shit. Done.
The biggest improvement. Confidence in selling his product. There is an old sales trick that nearly everyone avoids because in the moment it feels awkward and scary. What is it? Ask for the sale. Sounds simple but try it for yourself and see how your nerves feel. Jonathan did and he was able to ramp up his sales big time. “Can I get your Credit Card info?” that simple phrase in combination with our custom made “lethal” sales script was able to give Jonathan a “50% chance” of converting every call he made.
Are you interested to finally stop making excuses and get shit done? Watch our full interview with Jonathan below for more great tips.
Jonathan is just one of many students of ours who have been able to scale their passion for digital marketing into a successful business. If you are ready to make a change, treat your business like an investment, and get results like Jonathan — don’t click away and kick the can down the road, that’s too easy to do.
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