Jason Fladlien is one of the BEST at webinars. He has sold more than $100 million in webinars and does it so strategically! Jason offered so much insight in this interview as he talked about how to offer a lot of value and how to structure a full webinar. He goes deep into each section of the webinar–what to include, how to propose your pitch, and the purpose of it all.
The sections of a webinar include the offer/creating authority, the content section, transitioning, and the close. It came to my surprise that the content section is the least important. He also works a little backwards, starting with the pitch but constantly adding value throughout the entire webinar, building the audience’s curiosity. Jason will change your outlook on webinars and get you wanting to practice, practice, practice! Let’s go through the outline of a webinar:
This is the most important when trying to get someone to make a good buying decision. It all depends on how they perceive the one offering the product. You have to embody the #1 authority to the topic at hand. When this authority is increased, getting the person to act on the matter and feel an emotional connection is easier. The great thing about authority is that you don’t have to actually be the top dog on the subject in order to create this authority.
For example, you can’t just tell your webinar audience that you’re the GOAT of digital marketing. No one would believe you. However, you can tell someone you are an expert at getting leads through chatbots, and then relate your expertise to something bigger.
Don’t go with the typical intro: “Hi, I’m Rahul Alim. You should listen to me because I have closed over 1,000 leads.” Who cares. That screams boring. How about getting people to commit to doing a new behavior? Start the change immediately. In the interview, Jason uses an example of how he got someone to commit to making something happen, creating authority. By getting people to be on board with changing a behavior, you create more of an impact. It’s all about active listening.
To Jason, this is the longest but the least important section. Content is very accessible and most of it is free these days! Make people pay MORE for LESS. What he means by “less” is to choose 2-4 things you want to talk about in the webinar instead of ALL the things that can help them.
Think about this: Have you ever watched an hour long training video, but only about 20 minutes of it was valuable? You need to be that 20 minutes for them! Talk about why this offer would help them and create an impact for them.
If you start with the pitch/offer, then everything you say after that can align with the offer. The goal is to create clarity in this content section. Give certainty and confidence from those 2-4 things.
The transition is systematic and the shortest part of the webinar. This is where the audience realizes that they are getting more than what they are paying for. This is where they realize it’s worth it to buy whatever the authority figure is offering.
Recap everything you said in the webinar simply because our attention spans are horrible! Even though our unconscious mind listens, our conscious mind can’t recall things. Spit out in 1 minute what your webinar entailed, getting your audience to say, “Dang, he/she is offering so much value. I need whatever he is offering.”
Get people to say “Yes” multiple times to affirm that your webinar gave a lot of value to them. These small “yes” answers will lead up to the big “YES”. Here are some questions to ask:
Did you find this webinar helpful?
Are you going to use what you learned today?
Was this a good use of your time?
Leave it up to the audience to decide what they want to do with what they learned in the webinar. Offer them to do everything themselves or offer them your package (which include all of the helpful resources you talked about). At this point, don’t give away the package details just yet. Spark curiosity and drop the bomb at the end.
Realize as the authority that you have a lot of value to give. Something that the listener would have to spend hours on hours doing can take them 1 hour with your package offer.
The great things about webinars is that it’s REAL TIME. You can encourage people to comment something and then get the answers immediately. Talk with the audience, not at the audience.
Webinars are essentials in digital marketing because things can be fixed so quickly. If you were marketing with flyers that got sent out already and you later realize there was a mistake in the copy, it can’t be changed until maybe a month later. With digital marketing, you can edit something on the spot and make adjustments as needed. Webinars go right into the category of digital marketing because you can make adjustments with the interactions you get throughout the webinar.
It was great interviewing Jason because just like his webinars, he offered so much value! I have a few webinars that I have done myself. Get on a call with me if you want to learn how you can leverage your business with webinars! https://calendly.com/customcreatives/30min
Catch the full interview on Youtube! https://youtu.be/84RNanPuGBo
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