In the dynamic world of sales, understanding how to conduct effective sales calls is a game-changer. Josh Brunson joins fellow sales expert Rahul Alim on his weekly hosted Savage Saturday, with a highly interactive and enlightening workshop to dissect the art of sales calls. This blog post will delve into the critical insights, advice, and techniques that were discussed, complete with some humorous stories that Josh shared during the workshop.
Rahul’s Introduction: The Crucial Role of Difficult Questions
Rahul kicked off the workshop by highlighting the importance of asking the right, albeit tough, questions during sales calls. These questions, according to Rahul, are what separates average salespeople from great ones.
“You have nothing to lose. Take risks on your call; ask the difficult questions because they’re difficult for you, not for the prospect.”
The Power of Authenticity: Josh Shares his experience and strategy for showing up with vulnerability and confidence
Josh took over with a gripping personal story, emphasizing how being real and honest had a transformative impact on his clients. This quality, he pointed out, is often missing but essential in the sales industry.
“Being authentic changed the dynamics with my clients. They didn’t just become customers; they became advocates.”
A Lighter Note: Josh’s Funny Story About His “Sales Guru” Moment
Josh humorously recounted the time when he tried to act like a stereotypical “sales guru.” He exaggerated his persona and used cheesy catchphrases, only to realize that it was a complete disaster.
“I walked in with sunglasses on, ready to unleash my inner Tony Robbins, and I tripped over a chair. Lesson learned—be yourself, not a caricature of a salesperson.”
Josh’s Essential Sales Sequence
Josh revealed his tried-and-true sequence for successful sales calls, an approach that can be adapted by salespeople in various industries.
- Identify the Problem: Start by clearly understanding the issue the prospect is facing.
- Be Authentic: Authenticity builds trust faster than any sales tactic.
- Find an Emotional Hook: Emotional engagement keeps the prospect invested in the conversation.
- Provide a Solution: Always offer a feasible solution tailored to the prospect’s needs.
“Testing and refining your approach is key. Document what works and what doesn’t.”
Josh has a cabinet of notebooks journaling his experiences. Attendees were encouraged to follow suit.
Overcoming Sales Hesitation: Rahul’s Insight
Rahul gave a stirring speech about overcoming hesitation and fears in sales. He urged participants to focus and to immerse themselves in the task at hand fully.
“Time block your sales tasks and avoid distractions. This isn’t the time for self-doubt or hesitation.”
Q&A with Participants
Susan’s Detailed Questions
Susan had a series of questions about starting her cold-calling venture, from goal setting to pitch preparation. Rahul’s recommendation was straightforward: start by setting a target number of calls.
“Start by calling at least 30 people; adapt and refine your pitch based on the responses.”
Eliana’s Inquiries
Eliana posed several queries about maintaining momentum during a call and how to end on a high note. Josh’s answer was clear—maintaining an authentic conversation naturally leads to a more effective close.
“Maintain your authenticity from start to finish, and the close will follow naturally.”
Q&A Summary
– What is Josh’s sales sequence for successful sales calls?
Josh recommends identifying the problem, being authentic, finding an emotional hook, and then providing a tailored solution.
– How to overcome sales hesitations?
According to Rahul, setting a time block and immersing yourself in the task at hand is the best way to overcome hesitation.
– How can you maintain momentum during the sales call?
Eliana sought advice on this, and Josh suggested that maintaining authenticity throughout the call naturally sustains momentum and aids in a smoother close.
– How can you refine your sales pitch?
Josh and Rahul recommend ongoing iteration and self-assessment based on market feedback and self-evaluation.
Watch This Live
G$D Savage Saturday
- Sales techniques and strategies with a guest expert. 0:00
- Josh Brunson joins the stream to share his expertise on sales and how to talk to prospects.
- Josh explains his selling process and how to handle inbound and outbound leads.
- Effective sales calls with sequence and discovery. 3:52
- Josh suggests using a sequenced approach to calls, starting with quick research and building a report beforehand.
- He emphasizes the importance of discovering the person’s pain points and bridging the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.
- Effective questioning techniques for sales calls. 6:40
- Josh discusses his interviewing style, using softball questions to start and then delving deeper to find common ground and take ownership of the call.
- He uses ruthless compassion to provide direct and honest feedback, using the person’s own words to further the conversation.
- Sales techniques and client validation. 10:02
- Josh discusses the importance of asking the right questions during a sales call to gain valuable insights and build rapport with the prospect.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting dirty with the questions and moving the prospect towards a decision, while also offering help if they are not fit for the program, and offering a referral if there is something more suited to them.
- Using emotional responses to sell a product. 13:22
- Josh Bronson discusses the importance of emotional responses and trust in the sales process, using the example of a potential client seeking a solution to a problem.
- He uses future pacing techniques to help the client visualize their desired outcome and identify potential obstacles, ultimately solidifying their decision to work with the speaker.
- Sales approach and prospecting techniques. 16:28
- Josh discusses his sales approach, the “zero resistance sales approach,” which involves asking questions to understand the client’s goals and objections before making an offer.
- He emphasizes the importance of prospecting and building relationships with potential clients, even through cold calling and interruption marketing.
- Josh additionally shares an example of an opening line for cold calling, “Did you guys know you have the worst service? You’re rated the worst in customer service,” and encourages listeners to tailor their approach to the client’s specific needs and concerns.
- Using unconventional methods to connect with customers. 20:53
- Josh shares his approach to sales, which involves shocking potential customers to get their attention and make a connection in their brain.
- Josh uses a tactic called “interruption” to break through the pattern of daily calls and get the customer’s attention.
- Positioning marketing investments as valuable assets. 23:28
- Josh discusses the importance of positioning marketing investments as valuable assets, rather than costly expenses.
- He shares a story about a client who was hesitant to invest in marketing but was convinced after hearing the potential benefits and recognizing the difference between cost and investment.
- Josh emphasizes the importance of understanding personality types and tailoring marketing approaches accordingly. He mirrors his prospect to connect and communicate more effectively.
- Body language and tone in communication. 28:32
- Josh indicates he does not pay as much attention to body language but analyses tone, identifying cues of doubt and impatience in communication.
- Marketing strategies and vulnerability. 31:20
- Josh Bronson offers marketing audits to help businesses identify gaps and improve their marketing efforts.
- He emphasizes the importance of vulnerability and getting real with clients to build trust and openness.
- Sales techniques and active listening. 34:17
- Josh discusses the importance of actively listening in sales, highlighting the need to validate customers’ feelings without necessarily agreeing with them.
- He shares personal experiences in sales, including selling more candy bars, than the rest of the school combined, in first grade and speaking to large crowds, emphasizing their passion for connecting with people and helping them make informed choices.
- Overcoming call reluctance and preparation techniques for sales calls. 37:24
- Josh obsesses over preparation, using techniques like writing scripts, practicing in the shower, and listening to music to prepare for calls.
- He emphasizes the importance of having a consistent, confident facial expression during calls, and uses mirror work to practice and perfect their script delivery and reception from the prospect.
- Personal growth and self-reflection. 39:52
- Josh Bronson reflects on their journaling practice, contemplating reflection and intentions to release negative self-talk and bring in positive energy.
- He recommends setting intentions for the day, such as reaching out to friends and creating a connected and thriving environment.
- Sales process and building rapport. 44:11
- Josh Bronson emphasizes the importance of taking the time to understand each step of the sales process and building rapport with potential clients.
- He shares a personal experience where he reached out to someone who had recently lost their father and dog, showing empathy and offering support, rather than immediately trying to sell them something.
- Sales calls, closing deals, and upselling. 46:47
- Eliana shares a question and Josh emphasizes the importance of feeling the pace of the call and adjusting the sales process accordingly.
- Josh talks to Eliana and shares a strategy for smoothly transitioning from a teaching hour to upselling a higher-ticket offer without sounding pushy, by asking for feedback and offering a follow-up call.
- Using value-added services to increase sales. 50:02
- Josh discusses the importance of validating opinions and providing value to clients, rather than simply selling to them.
- Josh suggests offering value on the first call, rather than waiting for a separate “upsell” call, in order to add more value and build trust with clients.
- Marketing strategies and customer interactions. 53:15
- Susan shares a story about Jay Abraham’s approach to marketing, where he offers to bring $100 in additional revenue to a client in exchange for a $10 fee.
- Josh recounts a time when they tested this approach with a pastor, writing down the pastor’s facial expressions and reactions to the offer.
- Tone and body language during product demo. 56:07
- Josh recounts a demonstration where a rude and condescending wife disrupts a product demo, causing the presenter to stop and address her behavior.
- Josh jokingly refers to the wife as “Negative Nancy” and asks the audience who brought her to the party, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
- Using humor to address negative behavior in a team. 59:04
- Josh: “Negative Nancy” nickname sparks humor and bonding among trainees.
- “Negative Nancy” buys $3,600 worth of upgrades after being acknowledged and having fun with the nickname.
- Cold calling and sales techniques. 1:03:00
- Josh emphasizes the importance of asking difficult questions during cold calls to help prospects and differentiate themselves from other salespeople.
- Participants are encouraged to start their documentation process today, including taking takeaways from the live feed and writing them down in their own Google doc or by hand.
- Sales techniques and overcoming procrastination. 1:05:59
- Rahul Speaker emphasizes the importance of getting market feedback to perfect a pitch.
- Rahul suggests starting with a small quantity of calls, such as 30, to get a sense of the response rate and avoid getting distracted.
- Rahul encourages listeners to take action and make sales calls, rather than procrastinating or watching others succeed.
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