Make Money Online for Your Agency & Consulting Business | Prospecting, Lead Magnets, and Building Customer Loyalty: Insights from Rahul Alim

In the ever-changing landscape of business, Rahul Alim, the driving force behind Custom Creatives, shares invaluable lessons and personal experiences during a recent training call. Join us as we delve into the world of prospecting, lead magnets, and building lasting customer loyalty.  

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Diversify Your Client Base

First things first – diversifying your client base is paramount. I’ve seen it happen to a friend – he was soaring high, but when his major clients suddenly bailed, his business crumbled. The takeaway here is crystal clear: never depend too much on a single client or revenue stream.

Continuous Prospecting

Now, I can’t stress this enough – always be on the lookout for new opportunities. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently riding high; complacency can bite you hard when clients unexpectedly drop off. In this fast-paced business world, staying nimble and adaptable is your secret weapon. So, never stop prospecting for new clients.

High Stepping in Business

Think of it as a football player high-stepping toward the endzone. But in business, overconfidence can be your Achilles’ heel. Success can be fleeting, and that’s why it’s vital to remain vigilant and humble. Even when things are going well, keep grinding and innovating.

Value Proposition

Clients only care about your offer when they believe you can deliver substantial value to them. It’s on you to prove your capability effectively. Building trust and confidence in your abilities is the key to winning and retaining clients.

Leveraging Lead Magnets

Now, let’s talk about a valuable tool in your arsenal – lead magnets. These are resources that tackle your audience’s pain points head-on. Whether it’s educational materials, templates, or tools, the goal is simple – showcase your expertise and deliver upfront value.

Content Creation and Staying Ahead

To stay ahead of your prospects, you’ve got to be a few chapters ahead of them in knowledge and expertise. Creating valuable content is a powerful way to establish your authority in your field and attract an engaged audience.

Building Loyalty Through Free Training

Here’s an example – offering free training sessions and tools to engage your audience and build loyalty. These sessions serve as stepping stones to more advanced offerings, creating a sense of community and trust among clients.

Customized Lead Magnets

Customization is key. Tailor your lead magnets to your specific niche and audience. Don’t offer something that doesn’t align with your core services or your customer’s journey. Customization ensures your offerings are relevant and valuable.

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The Ascension Model

In business, providing customers with a clear path to progress is essential. The ascension model offers more value and customization as clients progress, providing a structured journey for them.

In conclusion, these insights provide a solid roadmap for success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. By diversifying your client base, continuously prospecting, and delivering value through lead magnets and content creation, you can not just survive but thrive. Building lasting customer loyalty through customized offerings and an ascension model ensures a steady path to growth.

So, my fellow marketers and entrepreneurs, stay tuned for more insights as we continue navigating the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.


Q: How can I find the owner of a business on Facebook for lead generation?

A: For Facebook, consider searching both people and pages. Check business pages and look for any names associated. Go to their website if possible for more info. You can also use LinkedIn to connect with potential leads and transition to a call for deeper conversation.

Q: How do I approach LinkedIn connections and turn them into sales calls?

A: Send a friendly initial message expressing your interest in connecting and networking. Once connected, suggest hopping on a call to discuss your services. Keep the conversation natural and value-driven. Use LinkedIn’s calendar feature for quick scheduling.

Q: How can I create effective content for LinkedIn?

A: Share daily value, tell success stories, and showcase your expertise. Highlight benefits and results. Use LinkedIn’s audience targeting to reach potential clients. Leverage group connections for collaborative content and broaden your audience reach.

Q: Any advice for new marketers on LinkedIn?

A: Prospect actively and efficiently. Add value to LinkedIn groups without being overly promotional. Network with group admins to potentially collaborate on content and expand your reach. Don’t be afraid to speak in front of groups and leverage the authority it brings.

Q: How can I improve my speaking and presentation skills for online events or webinars?

A: Practice speaking in front of people as much as possible. Don’t fear rejection or critique. Engage in online events and webinars to build confidence. Leverage opportunities to speak in front of various audiences to enhance your skills and authority.

Q: How can I present my idea of motivating my clients’ staff with incentives, like a trip to Mexico, based on performance benchmarks, in a more appealing way?

A: To make your idea more appealing, consider framing it as an idea that benefits both the staff and the business. Start by sharing a relatable story, like how reality TV shows such as Bar Rescue or Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives inspire upselling and cross-selling among bartenders. Explain that your idea aims to maximize returns and inspire repeat purchases from customers while also improving employee motivation. Ask your client if they’ve ever considered implementing such a strategy.

Q: My client initially rejected the idea. How can I bring it up again effectively?

A: When revisiting the idea, focus on future pacing and removing resistance. Acknowledge your client’s previous concerns but emphasize the potential benefits. Suggest discussing the idea after the holidays and ask about their personal and professional goals for the upcoming year. Make them feel like they have control and involvement in the idea’s development.

Q: Am I in the right place in this community to accelerate my knowledge of CRM and successfully productize it for my life insurance agency?

A: Yes, you’re in the right place. Utilize the CRM platform, High Level. Get familiar with it, watch YouTube tutorials, and join groups dedicated to this platform like “Go High Level Mastery.” To productize it effectively, create a website that demonstrates its capabilities and solves problems for your target audience, which includes tech-savvy team members who lack a CRM. Offer a demo for free to showcase its potential value.

Q: How can I ensure that I deliver value with integrity, unlike my previous experiences with subpar products?

A: To ensure value with integrity, focus on delivering tangible results. Offer a demonstration of the CRM’s capabilities to potential clients. Show them how it can improve their business, increase customer engagement, and save time and money. Make it a no-brainer decision for them to use your product by emphasizing the potential return on investment.


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Summary with Time Stamps

  • Prospecting and lead magnets for business growth. 1:58
    • Rahul shares a personal story of losing a high-paying client and the importance of always prospecting and keeping content out there.
    • Rahul emphasizes the need to keep hustling and earning clients’ businesses, as loyalty is not guaranteed in business.
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of providing value to prospects before asking for anything in return.
    • Rahul shares a lead magnet idea for creating a step-by-step checklist for a target audience to turn their Facebook profile into a perfect funnel.
  • Lead magnets and sales strategies for online businesses. 7:06
    • Rahul shares tips on how to increase attendance rates for online events, including using a link to save the event to a calendar and offering a lead magnet related to the next logical step for the customer.
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of building a lead magnet around the next logical step for the customer, rather than offering something unrelated or not valuable to them.
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of providing value and building an audience through lead magnets and live training before offering more advanced services like his inner circle program.
    • Rahul outlines a staircase model for ascension, with different levels of intimacy and service offerings based on income threshold, including private one-on-one coaching and a done-for-you agency.
  • Outsourcing, lead magnets, and business growth. 12:19
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of controlling outsourcing, citing the risk of losing money and control when relying on third-party companies.
    • He shares his approach to outsourcing, which involves building a team within a team and negotiating favorable terms.
    • Rahul stresses the need to stay in one’s lane of control and expertise when outsourcing, rather than trying to do everything and risking burnout.
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of creating a lead magnet that stands out and impresses potential customers, using Canva or Fiverr to design a professional-looking page one.
    • Rahul advises patience and persistence in building a business, comparing it to raising a child and nurturing it over time, while also acknowledging that time can be an enemy in terms of progress and growth.
  • Finding owner of Med Spa business on Facebook. 18:21
    • Rahul suggests using Facebook and LinkedIn to find the owner of a med spa business in the US and Australia.
    • Rahul provides tips on how to find the owner’s name and company name on these platforms, including searching for keywords related to the industry and location.
  • Networking and lead generation strategies. 21:07
    • Rahul initiates LinkedIn connections with potential adopters, seeking a casual conversation starter.
    • Rahul suggests modifying the initial message to reduce resistance and increase the chances of getting a response, such as using a more casual greeting like “Love to connect and network” instead of “I’m looking to connect with this just sounds like a sales in my opinion.”
    • Speaker 2 shares their success with using the “last part” of Rahul’s message, which includes a personalized greeting and an invitation to connect, resulting in a high response rate and productive calls.
  • Sales strategies and lead nurturing. 25:42
    • Rahul shares his sales strategy on social media platforms, focusing on building relationships and providing valuable content to nurture leads.
    • Rahul’s approach involves manual follow-up for warm leads and long-term nurture through automation for colder leads.
    • Rahul emphasizes the importance of using every piece of real estate in digital marketing, including signatures, to make it easy for potential clients to find and contact him.
    • Rahul’s approach to marketing involves talking about his offer and sharing results as often as possible, with the goal of providing value and building trust with potential clients.
  • The rest of the recording features a variety of Q&A.  Tune in and learn to turn up the energy, systems & processes in your business! 


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