Results of the White Elephant Party

White Elephant Party at Custom Creatives

In preparation for Christmas, Custom Creatives held a white elephant gift exchange. Here are the results:

  • Bil wound up with a box full of Hershey’s kisses, some ground coffee and some dog art. Some kind of terrier puppy, slightly Andy-Warhol-ish.
  • Chris took home an on-the-go USB-connecting phone charger. Now there’s no excuse for him not to call you back.
  • Jayna grabbed a delightfully trashy romance novel. Hopefully she’ll enjoy it, ’cause there’s two more books in that trilogy.
  • Kyle ended up with a scene marker. It says “Hollywood” on it, so you know it’s legit.
  • Hayden snagged some awesome Japanese candies.
  • Rahul stole some high-quality facial-hair-themed pint glasses.

All in all, it looks like everyone was a winner.

Happy holidays, everybody!

– Custom Creatives

Author: Rahul Alim
Custom Creatives was established to serve as your full-service one-stop Digital Marketing Company, offering graphic design, web design and web development agency, catering to businesses of all sizes. Custom Creatives has designed and deployed over 100,000 banner ads, as well as thousands of websites and landing pages and print collateral for small businesses and large international corporations. Providing exceptional quality services and products with a high return on investment is at the heart of everything we do.


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