Here are some questions to keep in mind:
Read below for some words of wisdom that can dramatically increase your banner ads‘ effectiveness (and increase your click rate):
This is the first impression people will see, based on the design of your banner ad. Be sure that it represents you in the best possible way. Using pre-built templates are limited in design and quality, so try to avoid this when possible. It is worth it to pay a little to have a successful campaign. In reality, the design and message is probably the most important part of your success. This means you should be extra careful that all your spelling and grammar are correct. If your banner ad design is of poor quality, people will assume your website is too.
What action do you want your viewer to take? Most likely, you want them to simply click on it, so be sure your ad says so. For example, we can say something like: “Click Here”, “Free Shipping on ALL orders”, “Visit my website – Click Here”. Make it easy to understand!
Your banner ad may only have a few seconds, if that, to make its impact on the audience. So, it must be able to convey your message in a very limited and short amount of time. Keep you message clear and concise to ensure your viewers will understand your message clearly. If the viewer can not easily and quickly understand what your banner ad design is saying, it is unlikely they will click on it. Use the least amount of words you can (and make sure it is simple). Cluttered banners are not appealing so KEEP IT SIMPLE. Even if you can fit more words in your ad doesn’t mean you should. At times, less is more…this is one of those times. Once someone clicks to your website, you’ll have your opportunity to provide more details.
Use attention getting and emotion producing text: words like “free”, “special offer”, “tips”, etc. help grab attention and increase curiosity in your offer. Example: “Free Home Searches, 1,000’s of listings updated daily!”
Features don’t sell, benefits do. Why should your user click on your banner? Tell them why. A “benefit” is the actual impact it has on your customer or viewer. People want to know how your service can help them.
If you want maximize your campaign, split test. Run 2 or more banners and test the campaign to gain the best results. One proves to get better click through, then you have a winner. Test, refine, analyze, repeat!
If you need assistance, speak with our banner consultants. We design banners every day and can help design a great looking banner to fit your needs.
Contact us for a FREE consultation CALL: (877) 865-1267, EMAIL: or fill in our contact form.
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