So you want more clicks on your banner ads? We get it, we design banners all day long. Here are some tips to help improve your campaign. Oh, feel free to share this if you like it and find it helpful. Comments are also welcome! We are going to cover 2 really important, yet commonly overlooked tips below so use the comments box if you have anything specific you would like to know about messaging. We plan on writing a slew of tips as it relates to banner ad designs to help you get the most out of your campaign.
What is it that you want to offer to your target audience? Make your offer clear and to the point, especially small business owners that don’t have a huge budget or deep pockets like a major brand. You have a few valuable seconds, take advantage of it. Banner are more common and a huge medium to instant eyeballs. Make sure you communicate well to take advantage of your campaign. (If you need help, contact us.)
Here are some example offers:
Let’s face it, pictures sell. Show pictures of the product, the feeling they get, the emotions you want them to feel on your banner ads. This emotionally connects your offer to the audience you are trying to reach. People want to feel the feeling of problem being solved through what you offer.
Here are few banner ad design examples we have designed:
It doesn’t really matter what you sell, offer, provide, give away, etc. The point is to make it easy for your customer to understand with a CLEAR offer and appealing images and this will help put you on the path to more clicks!
People often forget the importance of a great creative. The placement may be great, but if your banner ad is in shambles and not that attractive, I will bet you your audience feels the same.
To your banner advertising success!
P.S. You can read more about banner ads here.
P.S.S. Want to hire us? Call us 818-865-1267 – Talk to a human!
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